Class Deben (Year 3)
Welcome to Year 3 Deben Class!
Class Teacher: Miss Dowling
Teaching Assistant (mornings): Mrs Fane
Please see our timetable. We have PE on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
We will change reading books throughout the week. Please remember to bring your book bag everyday and read for at least ten minutes a night. You can sign your reading record when you read at home.
Homework projects will be set each half term. Spelling homework will be set in books each week. Please hand this in each Friday.
Please also continue to practice timetables at least three times a week on TT Rock Stars. Logins have been created for each child.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns, initially via messaging on SeeSaw or at the end of the school day.
My email address is: