Mrs T Sadler is the Senior Designated Person for Safeguarding and Prevent Lead.
Mrs C Williams is a Safeguarding Lead
Mrs D White is a Safeguarding Lead
Miss L Smith is our Online Safety Lead
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Please see our policies page.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is about protecting our children from abuse or neglect.
At Coldfair Green Primary School, the safety and well-being of our children is of the utmost importance, and we are all responsible for the safety and well-being of children. We ensure that we are doing all we can to protect the most vulnerable members of our community.
All of our staff believe that our school should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of every child.
All staff receive training on safeguarding and child protection, and our school is fully compliant with "KCSiE,” “ and "Safer Recruitment in Education.” In addition, all of our staff and Governors have completed Prevent training, which focuses on keeping young people safe from the risk of being radicalised and displaying extreme behaviours. (See relevant Prevent Policy)
We work with the children to develop them in ways that will nurture security, confidence and independence. Our school environment ensures that children and young people feel safe, valued and respected and confident. Children know how to approach adults if they are in difficulty or have concerns and understand that all adults will help them.
We have a systematic means of monitoring children known or thought to be at risk of harm (detailed in our Safeguarding Children Policy and explained to the children in an accessible way ), and ensure we contribute to assessments of need and provision of support packages for those children. School referral procedures within the school which will be followed by all members of the school community in cases of suspected abuse or where children are believed to be at risk.
All staff and visitors working within our school who have substantial access to children have been checked as to their suitability, including verification of their identity, qualifications, and a satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (according to guidance) and a central record is kept detailing the results of these checks.
All visitors agree to:
- Not use their mobile telephones around the school.
- Provide a good example and be a positive role-model by being respectful, fair and considerate to all.
- Treat all children equally and with respect.
- Ensure that when working with individual children, that the door is left open, or that they are visible to others.
- Not photograph children, exchange email addresses, text messages, phone numbers or give out their own personal details.
- Only touch children for professional reasons and when this is necessary and appropriate for the child’s well being and safety.
Ensure that you wear your name badge or visitor’s badge at all times.
All visitors and volunteers to the school are made aware of our school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures. Visitors and staff are not permitted to use their mobile telephones where they are in contact with children.
Use of photographic equipment in school.
‘Before any photographic equipment is used in school, details must be discussed with the Headteacher or other senior member of staff. The school will record full details of the person requesting permission, date and intended use of images’.
Coldfair Green Primary School is committed to the highest possible standards of honesty, openness and accountability. It seeks to conduct its affairs in a responsible manner, to ensure that all its activities are openly and effectively managed, and that the School’s integrity and the principles of public interest disclosure are sustained.
In line with that commitment, all members of staff and those working on behalf of the School who have serious concerns about any aspect of the School’s work are encouraged to come forward and voice those concerns to the Headteacher. Staff not only have the right, but also a duty, to report any improper actions or omissions, particularly where the welfare of young people may be at risk. Where any member of staff decides to report a serious incident within the scope of this policy, whether anonymously or otherwise, this will be treated as a ‘protected’ disclosure. Staff members should feel reassured that they can raise concerns in accordance with this policy without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination or disadvantage. The procedures that will be followed are detailed in the school’s Whistleblowing Policy.