School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed (including complaints and whistleblowing), please follow the link to the Trust website:
Evolution Academy Trust - Policies
Paper copies can be made available from the school office.
- Accessibility Plan.pdf
- administration-of-medicines-policy (1).pdf
- Addition and subtraction calculation policy (1).pdf
- Attendance Procedures (Appendix A).pdf
- Assessment, marking and feedback policy Sep 24.pdf
- Behaviour Policy (and procedures) 2023 CGPS (1).pdf
- Calculation-policy-guidance.pdf
- dealing-with-abuse.june-2022-docx.pdf
- Early career teacher (ECT) induction policy
- educational-visits-policy.pdf
- Equalities Policy Sept 2021.pdf
- foundation-stage-policy-Feb 2023.pdf
- GDPR Policy 2021.pdf
- homework policy Sep 2024.pdf
- Infection Control in Schools and Child Care Settings Policy
- Intimate care.21doc.pdf
- Multiplication and Division calculation policy (1).pdf
- CGPS Parental code of conduct.pdf
- parent-pamphlet-on-the-prevent-strategy.pdf
- policy-freedom-of-information.pdf
- privacy-notice-primary-academy-pupils-parents-evolution-schools.pdf
- Publication Scheme for Information available under FOI
- Remote and Home Learning Policy.pdf
- Retention Policy Children and Parents
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024.pdf
- Single Equalities Policy Sept 21.pdf
- Suspensions-and-Exclusions-Policy-September-2022.274871133.pdf
- Suffolk-CC-admissions policy -Oversubscription-Criteria-2021-2022 (1).pdf
- Phonics Policy.pdf
- relationship-health-and-sex-education-policysep 22.pdf