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Coldfair Green Community Primary School

Community, Aspiration, Resilience

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School Vision and Ethos

Our vision and ethos are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

“Ready, Responsible and Safe.”


Children come to our school to be happy, confident and successful learners who will go on to face the challenges of life in a constantly changing world. At Coldfair Green Primary School we strive to develop resilient, self-assured, positive young people who love to learn, to contribute and to achieve.


We want to make learning enjoyable for the children, to develop their natural curiosity and inspire and excite them about the curriculum we are teaching. We plan to do this by offering them both local and national ‘must have’ experiences and by teaching them the values that will enable them to lead happy, fulfilled lives beyond school. We want our youngsters to set personal goals, to challenge themselves and to have high aspirations and we ensure that children learn skills that develop their resilience and self-confidence.


As an inclusive, caring school, where every child matters, we celebrate every child’s talents and abilities, sharing in their successes both in and beyond school. Part of our role is to help children discover these and to nurture them. We encourage a strong community spirit, showing consideration and respect for each other and understanding each other’s’ differences. We uphold kind, well-mannered behaviour and problem solve with children when difficulties occur.


The learning community of Coldfair Green Primary School has a shared vision for every child to recognise success. We challenge our children to develop their curiosity, to become independent learners and thinkers and aim to inspire them through a rich and diverse curriculum, which engages their interests and is appropriate to each of their individual needs. We set high expectations and standards, preparing our children for high school and the world of work beyond.


Our agreed Curriculum Drivers, which run through all of our subjects are:


* Community and the wider world

* Aspiration

* Resilience


We value our relationships with our parents and hope you will share our values, engage with us and support the work of the school.
